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564 : New heels and car troubles - Starring Miss Ale

Price € 18,00 Playtime: 21:36 Min
Size 1,54 GB Frame: 1280 x 720 Filetype: mp4
Added on June 12, 2021

Miss Ale just bought a pair of extreme heels at a sale: the price was so attractive that she couldn't pass them up!

They look amazingly sexy and yet very classic!

It’s now time to drive home to get ready and dressed up for tonight… Unfortunately the car does not want to start! In her new shoes she sits and cranks!

Then finally the engine starts and she drives in her new shoes but.. how difficult it is to manage this small pedals with such high heels!

She arrives home, she gets changed into something sexy for tonight just to bring out the new shoes even more. She wants to make an impression on the girls!

She’s ready to go: she admires again her outfit and yet again her new shoes and she makes some little shoeplay. Now the time has come to jump again on board of the old car ... and she has to face another cranking - driving stalling -  fight  before she finally gets to the restaurant!! Her feet are hurting a lot because of these new shoes!