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588 : How to miss a flight! Starring Miss La Mary

Price € 15,00 Playtime: 15:29 Min
Size 1,08 GB Frame: 1280 x 720 Filetype: mp4
Added on April 20, 2022

First day on the job for Miss La Mary, and she has been sent on a trip to Rome!


As usual, she's already a little late, but the airport is close and in about ten minutes she could get there easily... but the damned Fiat Panda today doesn't give any sign of life and doesn't want to move!


Miss La Mary is very irritated, this time she really risks missing the plane!

After a lot of cranking, the engine finally starts up and our Miss drives nervously at full speed in the traffic to try to get there in time for her flight... will she manage to catch it?