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622 : The Mischievous Realtor's Detour | Starring Miss Swami

Price € 20,00 Playtime: 22:11 Min
Size 1,59 GB Frame: 1280 x 720 Filetype: mp4
Added on April 1, 2024

Swami works as a professional realtor, recently a famous and well-known actor asked her to personally assist him in selling his large house way out of town and Swami is very excited by the opportunity!

But things don’t go as Swami was expecting: during the trip to reach the house she find herself in a rural and desolated area and she realizes that she finally lost. 

Swami does not notice that the road she has driven onto is very muddy. Suddenly, she feels the car slowing down, even though she is still accelerating. Confused and baffled, Swami tries to accelerate more violently, still worrying about missing the appointment and her chance at making a good impression on the handsome man... will she be able to get out of the mud?